Mine action services- Ninawa - Tel Afar

Mine Advisory Group - MAG

Mine action services- Ninawa - Tel Afar logo
Last updated: 8/10/2023


* MAG is an international humanitarian organization that works to remove the remnants of war from landmines, cluster munitions and other unexploded bombs from the destroyed lands and homes of the population and make them safe to start rebuilding process, also the teams work to distribute brochures and provide information service on the mines risk in the community.

* These services are available to All Citizens from Internally displaced persons, Returnee and Host community in Ninawa Governorate, especially in Tel Afar District.

* All services are free.

Opening Hours

-8:00 AM - -4:00 PM
-8:00 AM - -4:00 PM
-8:00 AM - -4:00 PM
-8:00 AM - -4:00 PM
-8:00 AM - -4:00 PM